Sunday, June 28, 2009

Memorable day...

Today, is the most memorable day of mine... I went outing with my friends and teacher, a friend who just came back from China, some very long time no see friends since primary school and my primary tuition center teacher... You can say that today is the day I won't forget in my life... I miss them so much but I just couldn't tell how much I miss them... Teacher came and fetch me at 12p.m. I miss my teacher so much and she didn't change abit... When I went into the car, I saw Chi Ming. Guess what, Chi Ming's face and voice change a lot but he still like last time, so blur but funny, haha... I didn't saw Kai Wen and Chi Ming said that he will be late... Oh god, he done it again, but nevermine, haha... Later teacher went 1u fetch Kai Wen and then to Shuang Yi's kondo and fetch her... Teacher decided to go The Curve and Jing Mei went by her own... We met at The Curve and we had lunch together... Teacher 'belanja' us eat Vietnam food and the food taste good (I said that maybe is my first time eat Vietnam's food, xP)... Thank you teacher... We talk about our school life and many things to each other after we finished our lunch... Later we all decided to go Shuang Yi's kondo to take some pictures... Shuang Yi's kondo was quite small, I mean the garden, is actually not garden, is like swimming pool and some other court place together, the small I mean is the space but not the kondo, don't get it wrong... I was quite stupid just now, haha... We took some photos and we played badminton together... After that, teacher talk with us about something... And Kai Wen don't show respect at all, he yawn while teacher is talking... It was about 7p.m already and Jing Mei got to go back and we got to say goodbye to Shuang Yi... But before that we went to see how was her house looks like before we leave... After teacher fetch Jing Mei back to her home, teacher brought three of us to dinner, who is Kai Wen, Chi Ming and me, the only boys left... We had our dinner at Centerpoint. After the dinner, teacher fetch Chi ming back home and then me and followed by Kai Wen... Teacher, thank you so much... And my fellow friends, thank you for calling me out, maybe we won't be seeing each other for a moment but I will always miss you all...

Thank You!!!!!!!!!

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